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OTET Syllabus 2024 Published By BSE Odisha Download PDF

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Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET) is an examination which conducted by BSC Odisha. OTET examination has tow papers-(Paper-1 & Paper-2) !! OTET Eligibilty 2024 !! . Paper -1 is held for U.P. school teacher and Paper-2 held for M.E school teacher. OTET Syllabus 2024 Both CT & B.Ed completed or final year students are eligible for Paper-1 but only Graduated with CT & B.Ed completed or final year students are eligible for Paper-2. OTET Exam Test Series 2024 OTET exam gives you a certificate to get a job in govt school.

OTET Syllabus 2022

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OTET Exam Pattern 2024

Paper Type   Subject Question Time Remark


Child Development & Pedagogy 30 150 min
Language-I, Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali 30 In each subject area 20 questions will be set form contents & 10 questions from Pedagogy.
Language-II (English) 30
Mathematics 30
Environment Studies 30
Paper-2 Compulsory
Child Development & Pedagogy 30 150 min
Language-I, Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali 30 In each subject area 20 questions will be set form contents & 10 questions from Pedagogy.
Language-II (English) 30
Optional(A Or B) A Mathematics  30
Science 30
B History & Political Science
Geography 30

Download All Odisha Science (6,000 PYQ)  PDFDownload

OTET Syllabus 2024

OTET Paper-1 Syllabus 2024

Subject Chapter
Child Development & Pedagogy  #Concept, principles and stages of child development
#Characteristics of    physical,    cognitive,    social,    emotional    and    moral development in childhood
#Influence of heredity and environment in understanding the child
#Learning – concept, nature and individual differences in learning
#Understanding how child learns – learning through observation, limitation
#Understanding low child learns – various methods of learning
#Basic conditions of learning and promotion of learning through motivation, classroom learning environment and teacher behaviour (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Development of creative thinking. OTET Previous Year Questions
#Concept of inclusive education
#Addressing the needs of diverse group of learning in inclusive classroom (CWSN, girls, SC / ST)
#Addressing the talented, creative learning
#Teacher-centered, learner-centred and learning-centred approach
#Competency-based and activity-based approach
#TLM – its importance, use and preparation for classroom transaction
#Teaching competency to handle mono-grade and multi-grade situation
#Continuous and comprehensive assessment
#Purpose of assessment (OTET Syllabus 2024
#Assessing scholastic and other scholastic areas
#Sharing of assessment outcomes and follow up
Language (Odia/Urdu/ Hindi /Telugu/ Bengali) #Aims and objectives of teaching Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali as mother tongue
#Principles of language teaching
#Acquisition of four-fold language skills in Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / #Bengali viz., listening, speaking, reading and writing
#Interdependence of four language skills
#Objectives and strategies of transacting integrated text for the beginners
#Technique of developing intensive and extensive reading skills
#Teaching-learning composition and creative writing
#Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning language for communicating ideas in written form
#Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom, language difficulties and errors
#Assessment language comprehensive and proficiency : speaking, listening, reading, writing – construction of different types of test items
#Remedial teaching (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Part of speech – Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjectives, Conjunction
#Formation of words – using prefix and suffix
#Synonyms and antonyms
#Phrases and idioms
#Reading two unseen passages – one passage from prose and one poem with questions on comprehension, drama, inference, grammar and verbal ability (prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive)
Language (English) #Importance of learning English
#Objectives of learning English (in terms of content and competence specifications)
#Principles of language teaching 
#Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom
#Four-fold basic skills of learning viz., listening, speaking, reading and writing : interdependence of skills
#Techniques and activities for developing listening and speaking skills (recitation, story telling, dialogue)
#Development of reading skills : reading for comprehension, techniques and strategies for teaching, reading (phonic, alphabet, word, sentence and story)
#Development of writing skill – teaching composition
#Assessing language comprehension and proficiency : listening, speaking, reading, writing
#Two unseen prose passage (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with questions on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability
#Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, Tense and Time, Preposition, Articles, Adjectives, #Prepositions, Punctuation
Mathematics #Nature of Mathematics (exactness, systematic, patterns, preciseness)
#Aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics
#Specific objectives of teaching Mathematics
#Methods : Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis, play-way
#Approaches : Constructionist and Activity-based
#Assessment in Mathematics
#Formal and informal assessment
#Different types of test items (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Planning for remedial and enrichment programme in Mathematics
#Number system (natural, whole, rational, real)
#Fundamental operation on numbers
#Fractional numbers and decimals – operations in fractional numbers and decimals
#Factors and multiples – NCF and LCM
#Percentage and its application
#Measurement of length, weight, capacity. 
#Measurement of area and perimeter of rectangle and square
#Measurement of time (concept of am, pm and time interval)
#Basic geometrical concepts (point, line segment, ray, straight line, angles)
#Geometry of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles
#Geometrical slides (cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder cone)
#Pictography, bar graph, histogram, pie chart
#Interpretation of these graphs
#Patterns in numbers and figures
Environmental Studies (EVS) #Concept and Significance (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Integration of Science and Social Science
#Aims and objectives of teaching and learning EVS
#Basic principles of teaching EVS (OTET Apply 2024)
#Methods : Survey, Practical Work, discussion, observation, project
#Approaches : Activity-based, theme-based
#Tools and techniques for evaluation learning in EVS
#Diagnostic assessment in EVS
#Local-self, Government – State and Central
#Natural resources
#Agriculture and industry
#History of Freedom Struggle in India and Odisha
#Nutritional, elements, balanced diet
#Nutritional, deficiency and diseases
#Waste materials and disposal First-aid
#Air and water pollution
#Respiratory, circulatory, digestive and excretory system – structure and parts of plant – structure and function
#Matter and its properties
#Earth and sky, effect of rotation and revolution of earth
#Work and energy

OTET Syllabus 2022

OTET Paper-2 Syllabus 2024

Subject Chapter
Child Development & Pedagogy #Features of Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional & Moral development during pre-adolescence and adolescence
#Effect of Heredity and Environment on development
#Needs and problems of adolescents
#Individual differences among learners
#Learning as meaning making knowledge and construction
#How children learn – observation, initiation, trial, error, experience
#Learning as social activity (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Rote learning and meaningful learning
#Factors affecting learning
#Strategies for promoting lessons
#Addressing learners from diverse background including disadvantaged and deprived
#Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties and impairment
#Addressing the talented, creative and specially abled learners
#Teacher-centred, learner centred and learning-centred approaches
#Principles of curriculum organization
#Teaching learning aids
#Continuous comprehensive assessment of learning, planning and designing achievement tests, rating scale, check list. (OTET Apply 2024)
#Test reliability and validity
#Date representation – mean, mode and median and standard deviation
Language (Odia/Urdu/ Hindi /Telugu/ Bengali)

#Aims and objectives of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali as first language
#Principles of teaching mother tongue
#Development of language skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening)
#Intensive and Extensive reading skills at upper primary level
#Teaching of non-detailed and detailed texts (prose, poetry)
#Teaching of composition and creative writing
#Teaching of grammar. (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Challenges of teaching Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali in multi-lingual context
#Assessment of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali language – listening, speaking, reading and writing
#Planning and designing achievement tests and other tools for assessment
#Comprehension of two unseen passages (one from prose / drama and other from poem) with test items on comprehension, vocabulary and
#Parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjectives, conjunction)
#Formation of words (pre-fix and suffix)
#Vocabulary (spelling and meaning of synonym and antonym)
#Phrases and idioms (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Odia-Fakir Mohan Senapati, Gangadhar Meher, Radhanath Ray, Surendra Mohanty, Gopinath Mohanty
#Urdu – Altaf Hussain Hali, Niaz Fatepuri, Ali Sardar Jafri, Amir Khusroo, Majrooh Sultanpuri
#Hindi – Bharatendu Harischandra, Mahavir Prasad Dwivedy, Prem Chand, Jayashankar Prasad, Suryakanta Tripathy Nirala (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Bengali – Rabindra Nath Tagore, Sarat Chandra Chhatopadhya, Tarasankar Bandopadhyay, Kzi Nazrul Islam, #Bibhuti Bhusan Bandopadhyay
#Telugu – Srinanthadu, Gurajuda Appa Rao, Kandukuri Veeresalingam, Arudra, C. Narayan Reddy
Language (English) #Importance of learning English
#Objective of learning English (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Basic skills     of     language     (listening,     speaking,     reading,     writing), interdependence of skills
#Teaching of prose, poetry and composition
#Teaching of creative writing. 
#Principles of language teaching
#Challenges of teaching English as second language at upper primary level
#Assessment of comprehension and language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
#Two unseen passages (one from prose / drama and another from poem) with questions on comprehension, grammar) (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Parts of speech, tense, voice change and change of narration, use of article, use of punctuation mark
#Vocabulary – meaning and spelling
 Mathematics #Nature of    Mathematics    –    logical,    systematic,    abstractions,    pattern, mathematical language
#Aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics
#Specific objectives of teaching Mathematics 
#Methods : induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis
#Approaches : Constructivist and activity-based
#Formal and informal evaluation
#Error analysis (OTET Syllabus 2024
#Remedial and enrichment programmes
#Number System (focus on real and rational numbers)
#Properties in different number systems 
#Basic concepts : terms, co-efficient, powers
#Algebraic equations and their applications (with one variable)
#Polynomials – operations in polynomials
#Laws of indices.
#Percentage and its application (profit and loss, simple and compound, interest, banking, rebate)
#Ratio and proportion
#Variation and its application
#Square, square root, cube, cube root of natural numbers
#Triangles and Quadrilaterals (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Angles, complementary and supplementary angles, opposite angles, exterior angles of the triangle
#Angle sum property. 
#Parallel lines and properties relating to parallel lines
#Congruency and similarities. 
#Menstruations (area and circumference of circle, higher order problems relating to area of square, triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, Pythagorean theorem)
 Science #Aims and objectives of teaching learning science at upper primary stage
#Methods : Observation, Experimentation, Discovery, Project and Problem- solving
#Approaches : Integrated approach, constructivists approach
#Tools and techniques for assessing learning in Science
#Metal, non-metal and metalloid
#Elements and compounds (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Symbol, valence and chemical equation
#Acid, base and salt
#Physical and chemical change in matters
#Force, motion, friction, pressure in solid, liquid and gases
#Electricity and current chemical effects of electric current
#Refraction and reflection of light. 
#Solar system and planets
#Biological adaptation among living beings
#Respiration and transpiration
#Soil and forest resource 
#Cell structure and function of cell organelle
#Micro-organisms (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#Adolescence in human being
History & Geography #Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies
#Importance of teaching-learning Social Sciences at upper primary stage
#Aims and objectives of teaching-learning Social Sciences
#Specific objectives of teaching-learning Social Science
#Methods : Survey, field work / trips, project, group work
#Approaches : Activity-based, theme-based
#Tools and technique for assessment of learning in Social Science
#Diagnostic assessment and remedial teaching 
#Methods of historical studies, social, economic and political conditions of sultanate, moghul and British period
#Slave, Khiligi, Tughlaq, Lodi Dynasty (OTET Syllabus 2024)
#East India Company, British Crown, Impact of British rules, Ancient period, Kharabela, Ashoka
#Soma, Garganga, Surya, fall of Odisha, Odisha under Moghuls
#Nationalist movement in India.
#Development of Nationalism and Europe
#Indian Constitution
#Human Rights 
#Governance at Central, State and Local level
#Political Parties and pressure group
#Odisha Geography – physical features, climate, agriculture and industry
#Natural resources (land, water, forest and wild animals, minerals)
#Atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. 
#Earth – crust, internal structure, landscape (hills and mountains, platue, plains, rivers)
#Temperature zones of earth (OTET Syllabus 2024)

OTET Apply 2024 Details !! Syllabus, Eligibility, Exam Date
OTET Previous Year Question 2019 & 2018 Download Pdf
OTET Exam Eligibilty 2024 Published By BSE Odisha
OTET Exam Syllabus 2024 Published By BSE Odisha
OTET Exam All Notes 2024 Download Pdf
OTET Exam Test Series 2024

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