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Odisha MPhil Previous Year Question 2019 Answer Key

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The M.Phil programme is a one-year programme available for the candidates who have passed M.Ed. or MA (Education) from any University recognized by the UGC, New Delhi. Teaching is imparted in the aforesaid three institutes as per the prescribed syllabus. Test Series. (Odisha MPhil Question)

Odisha MPhil Question 2019 & Answer Key

Date Of Exam Shift-4
Odisha 48,000 PYQ Download
6-June-2019 Download


Eligibility :-

Educational Qualification :-

She / he must be a Master’s Degree holder in Education (MA (Education) / M.Ed.) from any recognized University having minimum 55% marks in aggregate in case of General candidates and 50% of marks in aggregate in case of SC, ST, SEBC and PH candidate. 

Age :-

There is no age limit for the Course.

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Online Computer Based Test- 

  1. There will be 90 questions with 90 marks on the subjects covered at the level of Master’s Degree in
  2. Each question shall carry one (01) mark and shall be of multiple choice
  3. The duration of the test is 1 hour 30 minute (90 minutes).
  4. For every incorrect response, 0.25 mark shall be deducted from the marks secured by the candidate for correct responses.

Odisha M.Phil Mark Distribution –

Subject Area Marks No. of Items
Education as a discipline and Process of Education 18 18
Learner and Learning Process 18 18
Educational Research ,Statistics and Assessment 18 18
Teacher Education at Elementary and Secondary Level 18 18
Education in Developmental Perspective 18 18
Total 90 90

(Odisha MPhil Question)

Detailed Syllabus :-

Subject Detailed Course



Education as a discipline and Process of Education

§  Bases of Education and aims of Education. Basic tenets of different schools of Philosophy including Indian philosophical traditions and their implications for education

§  Contemporary Indian society with its linguistic and cultural diversity, Globalization and Liberalization. Education for socialization and acculturation. Issues of equity and equality in educational opportunities. Role of education in meeting challenges of disadvantaged learners. (Odisha MPhil Question)

§  Pedagogy Processes, Shifts in pedagogy. Forms of understanding. Critical pedagogy

§  Approaches and principles for developing curriculum, Curriculum transaction at different stages.

§  Role expectations from teachers. Professional characteristics of teachers and teacher educators. Role of

teacher educators in preparation of quality teachers. Professional ethics




Learner and Learning Process

§  Issues of transmission and construction of learning experiences. Learner and Learning-centered approaches,

§  Stages of development and factors influencing development. Differential learning needs and mechanisms of addressing the learner differences. Needs and problems of adolescents. (Odisha MPhil Question)

§  School readiness, basic conditions of learning. Cognition and learning. Learning as construction of knowledge – views of Piaget, Bruner and Vygotsky. Forms of learner’s engagement in knowledge construction.

§  Learning for holistic development of personality, Lifelong learning, reflective learning, individualized and group learning, learning through electronic media.

§  Diversity in learning contexts and learning styles. Inclusive environment in the classroom. Continuous and comprehensive assessment of learning (Odisha MPhil Question)




Educational Research, Statistics and Assessment

§  Types and paradigm of research in Education. Planning research study, Preparation of research proposal.

§  Designs of Experimental research. Internal and external validity of research, sampling, tools of research, Preparation of research report.

§  Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis, Descriptive and inferential statistics.

§  Concepts of Assessment, Evaluation. Types of assessment. Learning and Assessment. Different types of test items. Reliability and Validity of test scores (Odisha MPhil Question)

§  Continuous and comprehensive assessment. RTE Act and CCA. Social, legal and ethical implications of educational testing, assessment and evaluation. Programme evaluation in Education-baseline, midterm and terminal evaluation.






Teacher Education at Elementary and Secondary Level

§  Teacher education in ancient and medieval period in India. TE during Post-Independence Period with reference to the recommendations of Secondary Education Commission, the Education Commission (1964-66), and NPE 1986/92. Existing TE scenario in India and emerging challenges. (Odisha MPhil Question)

§  Pre-school TE programme, Existing system of Elementary TE, Systemic changes in elementary TE with reference to NCF 2005 and NCFTE 2009.Strategies for developing professionalism and professional ethics among elementary teacher educators.

§  Challenges of Universalization of Secondary Education in India. Structure and process of secondary TE in India. Systemic reforms in secondary TE programme with reference to NCF 2005 and NCFTE 2009. RMSA- objectives and approaches.

§  Planning and organization of In-service Education of teachers (INSET). Modes of INSET. Strategies for professional development of teachers. Centrally Sponsored Schemes for Strengthening TE through DIETs, CTEs, IASEs. Roles of NCERT, NCTE, NUEPA, UGC, SCERT. (Odisha MPhil Question)

§  Methods and techniques of pre-service curriculum transaction. School experience programme. CCA in teacher education programme – internal, external and portfolio assessment. Assessment of teaching proficiency and school experience programme.


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