Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET) is an examination which conducted by BSC Odisha. OTET examination has tow papers-(Paper-1 & Paper-2) !! OTET Eligibilty 2024 !! . Paper -1 is held for U.P. school teacher and Paper-2 held for M.E school teacher. OTET Syllabus 2024 Both CT & B.Ed completed or final year students are eligible for Paper-1 but only Graduated with CT & B.Ed completed or final year students are eligible for Paper-2. OTET Exam Test Series 2024 OTET exam gives you a certificate to get a job in govt school.
Table of Contents
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OTET Exam Pattern 2024
Paper | Type | Subject | Question | Time | Remark | |
Paper-1 | Compulsory |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 150 min | ||
Language-I, Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali | 30 | In each subject area 20 questions will be set form contents & 10 questions from Pedagogy. | ||||
Language-II (English) | 30 | |||||
Mathematics | 30 | |||||
Environment Studies | 30 | |||||
Paper-2 | Compulsory |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 150 min | ||
Language-I, Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali | 30 | In each subject area 20 questions will be set form contents & 10 questions from Pedagogy. | ||||
Language-II (English) | 30 | |||||
Optional(A Or B) | A | Mathematics | 30 | |||
Science | 30 | |||||
B | History & Political Science | |||||
Geography | 30 |
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OTET Syllabus 2024
OTET Paper-1 Syllabus 2024
Subject | Chapter |
Child Development & Pedagogy | #Concept, principles and stages of child development #Characteristics of physical, cognitive, social, emotional and moral development in childhood #Influence of heredity and environment in understanding the child |
#Learning – concept, nature and individual differences in learning #Understanding how child learns – learning through observation, limitation #Understanding low child learns – various methods of learning #Basic conditions of learning and promotion of learning through motivation, classroom learning environment and teacher behaviour (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Development of creative thinking. OTET Previous Year Questions |
#Concept of inclusive education #Addressing the needs of diverse group of learning in inclusive classroom (CWSN, girls, SC / ST) #Addressing the talented, creative learning |
#Teacher-centered, learner-centred and learning-centred approach #Competency-based and activity-based approach #TLM – its importance, use and preparation for classroom transaction #Teaching competency to handle mono-grade and multi-grade situation |
#Continuous and comprehensive assessment #Purpose of assessment (OTET Syllabus 2024 #Assessing scholastic and other scholastic areas #Sharing of assessment outcomes and follow up |
Language (Odia/Urdu/ Hindi /Telugu/ Bengali) | #Aims and objectives of teaching Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali as mother tongue #Principles of language teaching #Acquisition of four-fold language skills in Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / #Bengali viz., listening, speaking, reading and writing #Interdependence of four language skills #Objectives and strategies of transacting integrated text for the beginners |
#Technique of developing intensive and extensive reading skills #Teaching-learning composition and creative writing #Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning language for communicating ideas in written form #Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom, language difficulties and errors |
#Assessment language comprehensive and proficiency : speaking, listening, reading, writing – construction of different types of test items #Remedial teaching (OTET Syllabus 2024) |
#Part of speech – Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjectives, Conjunction #Formation of words – using prefix and suffix #Synonyms and antonyms #Phrases and idioms |
#Reading two unseen passages – one passage from prose and one poem with questions on comprehension, drama, inference, grammar and verbal ability (prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive) | |
Language (English) | #Importance of learning English #Objectives of learning English (in terms of content and competence specifications) |
#Principles of language teaching #Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom |
#Four-fold basic skills of learning viz., listening, speaking, reading and writing : interdependence of skills #Techniques and activities for developing listening and speaking skills (recitation, story telling, dialogue) #Development of reading skills : reading for comprehension, techniques and strategies for teaching, reading (phonic, alphabet, word, sentence and story) #Development of writing skill – teaching composition |
#Assessing language comprehension and proficiency : listening, speaking, reading, writing | |
#Two unseen prose passage (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with questions on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability | |
#Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, Tense and Time, Preposition, Articles, Adjectives, #Prepositions, Punctuation | |
Mathematics | #Nature of Mathematics (exactness, systematic, patterns, preciseness) #Aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics #Specific objectives of teaching Mathematics |
#Methods : Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis, play-way #Approaches : Constructionist and Activity-based |
#Assessment in Mathematics #Formal and informal assessment #Different types of test items (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Planning for remedial and enrichment programme in Mathematics |
#Number system (natural, whole, rational, real) #Fundamental operation on numbers #Fractional numbers and decimals – operations in fractional numbers and decimals #Factors and multiples – NCF and LCM #Percentage and its application |
#Measurement of length, weight, capacity. #Measurement of area and perimeter of rectangle and square #Measurement of time (concept of am, pm and time interval) |
#Basic geometrical concepts (point, line segment, ray, straight line, angles) #Geometry of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles #Symmetry #Geometrical slides (cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder cone) |
#Pictography, bar graph, histogram, pie chart #Interpretation of these graphs #Patterns in numbers and figures |
Environmental Studies (EVS) | #Concept and Significance (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Integration of Science and Social Science #Aims and objectives of teaching and learning EVS |
#Basic principles of teaching EVS (OTET Apply 2024) #Methods : Survey, Practical Work, discussion, observation, project #Approaches : Activity-based, theme-based |
#Tools and techniques for evaluation learning in EVS #Diagnostic assessment in EVS |
#Local-self, Government – State and Central #Judiciary |
#Landscape #Climate #Natural resources #Agriculture and industry |
#History of Freedom Struggle in India and Odisha | |
#Nutritional, elements, balanced diet #Nutritional, deficiency and diseases #Waste materials and disposal First-aid #Air and water pollution |
#Respiratory, circulatory, digestive and excretory system – structure and parts of plant – structure and function | |
#Matter and its properties #Earth and sky, effect of rotation and revolution of earth #Work and energy |
OTET Paper-2 Syllabus 2024
Subject | Chapter |
Child Development & Pedagogy | #Features of Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional & Moral development during pre-adolescence and adolescence #Effect of Heredity and Environment on development #Needs and problems of adolescents #Individual differences among learners |
#Learning as meaning making knowledge and construction #How children learn – observation, initiation, trial, error, experience #Learning as social activity (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Rote learning and meaningful learning #Factors affecting learning #Strategies for promoting lessons #Addressing learners from diverse background including disadvantaged and deprived #Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties and impairment #Addressing the talented, creative and specially abled learners |
#Teacher-centred, learner centred and learning-centred approaches #Principles of curriculum organization #Teaching learning aids #Continuous comprehensive assessment of learning, planning and designing achievement tests, rating scale, check list. (OTET Apply 2024) #Test reliability and validity #Date representation – mean, mode and median and standard deviation |
Language (Odia/Urdu/ Hindi /Telugu/ Bengali) |
#Aims and objectives of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali as first language #Principles of teaching mother tongue #Development of language skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening) |
#Intensive and Extensive reading skills at upper primary level #Teaching of non-detailed and detailed texts (prose, poetry) #Teaching of composition and creative writing #Teaching of grammar. (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Challenges of teaching Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali in multi-lingual context |
#Assessment of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali language – listening, speaking, reading and writing #Planning and designing achievement tests and other tools for assessment |
#Comprehension of two unseen passages (one from prose / drama and other from poem) with test items on comprehension, vocabulary and | |
#Parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjectives, conjunction) #Formation of words (pre-fix and suffix) #Vocabulary (spelling and meaning of synonym and antonym) #Phrases and idioms (OTET Syllabus 2024) |
#Odia-Fakir Mohan Senapati, Gangadhar Meher, Radhanath Ray, Surendra Mohanty, Gopinath Mohanty #Urdu – Altaf Hussain Hali, Niaz Fatepuri, Ali Sardar Jafri, Amir Khusroo, Majrooh Sultanpuri #Hindi – Bharatendu Harischandra, Mahavir Prasad Dwivedy, Prem Chand, Jayashankar Prasad, Suryakanta Tripathy Nirala (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Bengali – Rabindra Nath Tagore, Sarat Chandra Chhatopadhya, Tarasankar Bandopadhyay, Kzi Nazrul Islam, #Bibhuti Bhusan Bandopadhyay #Telugu – Srinanthadu, Gurajuda Appa Rao, Kandukuri Veeresalingam, Arudra, C. Narayan Reddy |
Language (English) | #Importance of learning English #Objective of learning English (OTET Syllabus 2024) |
#Basic skills of language (listening, speaking, reading, writing), interdependence of skills #Teaching of prose, poetry and composition #Teaching of creative writing. #Principles of language teaching #Challenges of teaching English as second language at upper primary level |
#Assessment of comprehension and language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) | |
#Two unseen passages (one from prose / drama and another from poem) with questions on comprehension, grammar) (OTET Syllabus 2024) | |
#Parts of speech, tense, voice change and change of narration, use of article, use of punctuation mark #Vocabulary – meaning and spelling |
Mathematics | #Nature of Mathematics – logical, systematic, abstractions, pattern, mathematical language #Aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics #Specific objectives of teaching Mathematics |
#Methods : induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis #Approaches : Constructivist and activity-based |
#Formal and informal evaluation #Error analysis (OTET Syllabus 2024 #Remedial and enrichment programmes |
#Number System (focus on real and rational numbers) #Properties in different number systems |
#Basic concepts : terms, co-efficient, powers #Algebraic equations and their applications (with one variable) #Polynomials – operations in polynomials #Laws of indices. #Identities |
#Percentage and its application (profit and loss, simple and compound, interest, banking, rebate) #Ratio and proportion #Variation and its application #Square, square root, cube, cube root of natural numbers |
#Triangles and Quadrilaterals (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Angles, complementary and supplementary angles, opposite angles, exterior angles of the triangle #Angle sum property. #Parallel lines and properties relating to parallel lines #Congruency and similarities. #Menstruations (area and circumference of circle, higher order problems relating to area of square, triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, Pythagorean theorem) |
Science | #Aims and objectives of teaching learning science at upper primary stage |
#Methods : Observation, Experimentation, Discovery, Project and Problem- solving #Approaches : Integrated approach, constructivists approach |
#Tools and techniques for assessing learning in Science | |
#Metal, non-metal and metalloid #Elements and compounds (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Symbol, valence and chemical equation #Acid, base and salt #Physical and chemical change in matters #Force, motion, friction, pressure in solid, liquid and gases #Electricity and current chemical effects of electric current #Refraction and reflection of light. #Solar system and planets |
#Biological adaptation among living beings #Respiration and transpiration #Soil and forest resource #Cell structure and function of cell organelle #Micro-organisms (OTET Syllabus 2024) #Adolescence in human being |
History & Geography | #Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies |
#Importance of teaching-learning Social Sciences at upper primary stage #Aims and objectives of teaching-learning Social Sciences #Specific objectives of teaching-learning Social Science |
#Methods : Survey, field work / trips, project, group work #Approaches : Activity-based, theme-based |
#Tools and technique for assessment of learning in Social Science #Diagnostic assessment and remedial teaching |
#Methods of historical studies, social, economic and political conditions of sultanate, moghul and British period #Slave, Khiligi, Tughlaq, Lodi Dynasty (OTET Syllabus 2024) #East India Company, British Crown, Impact of British rules, Ancient period, Kharabela, Ashoka #Soma, Garganga, Surya, fall of Odisha, Odisha under Moghuls #Nationalist movement in India. #Development of Nationalism and Europe |
#Indian Constitution #Human Rights #Governance at Central, State and Local level #Political Parties and pressure group |
#Odisha Geography – physical features, climate, agriculture and industry #Natural resources (land, water, forest and wild animals, minerals) #Atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. #Earth – crust, internal structure, landscape (hills and mountains, platue, plains, rivers) #Temperature zones of earth (OTET Syllabus 2024) |